Monday, August 9, 2010

Week 3 - Design Brief and Games, Games and More Games!

Design Brief

Investigate Design Problem Analyse Evaluate

Design Brief
Today we produced a design brief.


  • Design a frog that jumps using the materials provided


  • Picture of Frog,
  • Card
  • Sticky tape
  • Rubber Band


  • Stick the frog to the card for more weight
  • Using card as a springboard
  • Use the rubber band as a slingshot and propel the frog

  • Stuck rubber band to card
  • The finished product!
  • Stuck sticky tape to frog to increase weight of frog
  • Use the rubber band as a sling shot

  • Frog jumps in a forward motion
  • Could have put more sticky tape on the frog to get more weight and therefore the frog would have been propelled further.
This activity is a great way of students experiencing a design process, it will assist children in understanding that there are sometimes more than 1 right answer to a problem and it is a great way for students to share learning's and ideas.

Games Games and More Games

I thoroughly enjoyed this website.  It had a large range of games that could be designed and incorporated into many different learning purposes and learning stages.  Obviously a teacher could design the games to assist with learning objective or as a tool to evaluate learning, however i think children would jump at the opportunity to create games that highlight their skills and learning.

Games could be themed or linked to a unit of work such as sustainability or it could just be on the latest Maths topic covered.  I think it would be a great getting to know you activity to build a class quiz or class game at the beginning of the year.  Another great idea would be for an older grade to create a games page for their younger buddy grade.  Games could also be displayed on the School ENews letter.  It would be a great way to show parents what their children have been learning and the quiz or game is something the family could do together.

I created a quiz using quia

Word Jumble

a word jumble

and a game of hangman

Hangman (stars not hangman so we are PC)
I enjoyed playing my classmates games and I am sure children would enjoy the same experience.  we are often told to subscribe to many different organisations, websites and groups and I often wonder if you get value for your money.  This is one site I would pay to use!

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