Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 4 - Recreating a Story and Chocolate Maths

TASK 1 - Retelling a story using a concept map created by using Inspiration software

After watching an aboriginal animated dream time story we were asked to retell the story using a concept map creating using Inspiration. There were several stories to choose from, I chose a story about two sisters who lost their creation powers after succumbing to the seductive whispers of men. Sound familiar? The link is below.

This website also contains teacher notes relating to each story. The retelling of the main parts of the story is a common activity in the worksheets. The recommendation is you give the children a sheet with sentences relating to the story and the children label them in order using numbers. A bit bland, but still a worthwhile activity. Other variations I have seen are to cut the sentences up and place them in order or to create a story board through illustrating the sentences. Using Inspiration is I guess an electronic version of this!

1st attempt
Although the story was retold, it was a little difficult to follow.


2nd attempt!!!

Simpler to follow

2nd attempt!!

It occurred to me that some children may also have trouble sequencing their story in a way that is easy to follow. For younger children it would be good to have a model for them to follow or perhaps we do one as a class on the electronic whiteboard before moving to our own examples. Perhaps even start with arranging cut out pictures and sticking them onto card before moving to inspiration.

TASK 2 Chocolate Maths

The idea is to create lessons that centre on chocolate or other real life examples.
• Present packets of MandM to children (can use stars, confetti or other non food items)

• Students to gain knowledge in the areas of chance and data and using graphs to present findings

Ideas for engagement:

• Guess information regarding product, such as weight, look at nutritional panel, guess how many of each colour could be in the pack ect.

• Create a graph of the colours of the MandMs

Further activities:

• Draw on real life examples to add depth to the activity

• Students could compare results

• Chance and data - guess the contents of the next packet

• Compare your data with the average on the MandM website

• Draw on MandM website to get ideas

• Link in an excursion to a chocolate factory


Obviously chocolate is not always an appropriate "real life example" to draw on. Other ideas:

• Survey of cars driving past the school gate

• Children's lunch boxes or pencil cases

• Number of letters in children's names

• Football teams followed

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